Speaking in Future (not) Tense

Ok, so I’m not 1/2 way through Saturday but it felt like as good a time as any to have some updates and let myself relax a bit. Mainly because I made some obvious changes for the future.

One such obvious change is deciding to use the dead simple labs site as a bit of a link exchange/ splash page for now in an effort to make life as least complicated as possible. Thought I am particularly infatuated with the lil cross through animation on the navigation items hover.

This not only saves me the short term code time (selfish), but also makes sure future me isn’t bogging myself down with work I don’t need to do yet (episode notes, SEO, whatever.) Once I’m ready to take on the blogging lifestyle, it’ll be there – but until then, it’s an easy link to share to spread the holy message of dead simple labs.

As far as this blogfolio, this opens up more time to be working on this. Part of this is an ongoing commitment to podcast episode covers, because they’re fun and can be more experimental. I’ve got a few so far, but not ready for a full portfolio set:

Other than that, I’ve got some episodes to edit and some ideas in the pipeline. Probably going to stick to the 2 week schedule and savor the flavor a bit so I don’t get overwhelmed, as I’m also diving into learning flutter/ dart. And I still have to get around to some 3D work one of these days.

Other than that, I need to update some stuff with the new version of Facey. I gave him some more emotive facial expression and softened some edges.

I’ll get around to it. Eventually.